"Frieza" is possibly the worst GM I've seen in a while. My friend and I were playing and he kept making announcements claiming to be in the Crips. As we all know, NO real crips would be playing Byond, and if they were, theres something wrong with them(theres something wrong with this guy either way, though). My friend with the username Ubber told him he wasn't a crip, and so did I. He instantly gets angry and starts throwing insults like "Lame" and "Nerd Nigga"(SMH). He then bans Ubber because he was obviously losing the battle of wits, and then bans me when I call him on his improper use of the english language(f yo nigga? alright buddy). This guy needs to be banned INSTANTLY, he is obviously some retarted wigger kid thinking he is something he isn't, too much rap music i presume?
Maybe once he learns to spell properly and make relevant posts, he can be a GM. Until then, someone needs to smack this idiot.